Manuals and Data Retrieval

Instrument Manuals

JEOL 8200 Electron Probe
Download the manual (3.6 MB PDF)

Tescan Vega 3 Scanning Electron Microscope
Download the manual (2.4 MB PDF)

Usage Rates and Costs

Instrument Usage rates

Download this table (PDF) for usage rates for the EPMA and SEM.

Additional Costs

Sample Preparation
  • Carbon- or metal-conductive coating (Au, Au-Pd, Ag, Pt, or Cu) ............................$ 25.00 per 1-6 samples.
  • Conductive coating must be evaporated onto non-conductive samples before Electron Microprobe or High Vacuum SEM analysis
Specimen Mounting
  • Epoxy mounting and polishing to 0.05 micron finish ......................................$ 30.00 each