Carl B. Agee

Research Staff

Photo: Dr. Carl B. Agee

Director of the Institute of Meteoritics



Ph.D. Columbia University, 1988

Research Interests:
Meteoritics. Origin and evolution of planetary interiors.

Recent Publications:

Agee, C. B., Ross, A. J., Ziegler, K., & Spilde, M. N. (2021, March). Ghadduwah 001: Uniquely Unbrecciated Ferroan Anorthosite Lunar Meteorite. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (No. 2548, p. 2314).

Váci, Z., Agee, C. B., Herd, C. D., Walton, E., Tschauner, O., Ziegler, K., ... & Monique‐Thomas, S. (2020). Hydrous olivine alteration on Mars and Earth. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55(5), 1011-1030.

Váci, Z., Agee, C. B., Humayun, M., Ziegler, K., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., ... & Yin, Q. Z. (2020). Unique achondrite Northwest Africa 11042: Exploring the melting and breakup of the L chondrite parent body. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 55(3), 622-648.

Srinivasan, P., Dunlap, D. R., Agee, C. B., Wadhwa, M., Coleff, D., Ziegler, K., ... & McCubbin, F. M. (2018). Silica-rich volcanism in the early solar system dated at 4.565 Ga. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-8.

Herd, C. D., Walton, E. L., Agee, C. B., Muttik, N., Ziegler, K., Shearer, C. K., ... & Caffee, M. W. (2017). The Northwest Africa 8159 martian meteorite: Expanding the martian sample suite to the early Amazonian. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 218, 1-26.

Nyquist, L. E., Shih, C. Y., McCubbin, F. M., Santos, A. R., Shearer, C. K., Peng, Z. X., ... & Agee, C. B. (2016). Rb‐Sr and Sm‐Nd isotopic and REE studies of igneous components in the bulk matrix domain of Martian breccia Northwest Africa 7034. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 51(3), 483-498.

Santos, A. R., Agee, C. B., McCubbin, F. M., Shearer, C. K., Burger, P. V., Tartese, R., & Anand, M. (2015). Petrology of igneous clasts in Northwest Africa 7034: Implications for the petrologic diversity of the Martian crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 157, 56-85.

Vander Kaaden, K. E., Agee, C. B., & McCubbin, F. M. (2015). Density and compressibility of the molten lunar picritic glasses: Implications for the roles of Ti and Fe in the structures of silicate melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 149, 1-20.

Muttik, N., McCubbin, F. M., Keller, L. P., Santos, A. R., McCutcheon, W. A., Provencio, P. P., ... & Agee, C. B. (2014). Inventory of H2O in the ancient Martian regolith from Northwest Africa 7034: The important role of Fe oxides. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(23), 8235-8244.

Cartwright, J. A., Ott, U., Herrmann, S., & Agee, C. B. (2014). Modern atmospheric signatures in 4.4 Ga Martian meteorite NWA 7034. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 400, 77-87.

Gattacceca, J., Rochette, P., Scorzelli, R. B., Munayco, P., Agee, C., Quesnel, Y., ... & Geissman, J. (2014). Martian meteorites and Martian magnetic anomalies: A new perspective from NWA 7034. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(14), 4859-4864.

Agee, C. B., Wilson, N. V., McCubbin, F. M., Ziegler, K., Polyak, V. J., Sharp, Z. D., ... & Elardo, S. M. (2013). Unique meteorite from early Amazonian Mars: Water-rich basaltic breccia Northwest Africa 7034. Science, 339(6121), 780-785.

Thomas, C. W., Liu, Q., Agee, C. B., Asimow, P. D., & Lange, R. A. (2012). Multi‐technique equation of state for Fe2SiO4melt and the density of Fe‐bearing silicate melts from 0 to 161 GPa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B10).